Reading your Work Out Loud – Writers!

One of the most important things to do as a writer is to read your work out loud. No! not in your bedroom (although not a bad practice) but to a live audience. Whether this is at a Poetry Reading, a self-organised or invited reading through your State’s Network of Libraries/ Bookstores, reading in a workshop to your fellow writers or to a small writing group. As many new authors must do now, it seems that the current consensus is to be involved personally in promoting and selling your book(s) on video. I can manage blogs and various social media platforms, but producing a good video of me reading one of my poetry books or a future novel is daunting and rather out of my league. This begs the question: do you go to the expense of bringing in the professionals? Well, that’s okay if you can afford it.
I have over the years had plenty of practice reading, but this was mainly “poetry”. I think reading parts of a novel when I have a book launch will be challenging. I have one little trick, I record certain chapters on my mobile phone and listen to them while on my walk. It’s a great way to practise and also pick up any stumbling blocks in the text. And often I get new words if I listen to them incorrectly! It’s really weird when that happens.
I started my readings at university.
A university friend has just sent me a link to a reading of mine that I did back in 2009 at Edith Cowan University on YouTube. I thank her most sincerely as she has gone to a lot of trouble in editing her recording and I’m also very grateful. Grateful because I talk about commencing my novel The Ozone Cafe, so it has been 10 years in the making and still ongoing. Thanks, Frances! Here is the link to me reading poetry and talking about starting the novel from a poem titled The Ozone Cafe. Nothing gets wasted, folks!

Check it out here!

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